Virtual & Private Yoga Classes
While the current state of the world has certainly brought about some challenges, something I’m surprisingly happy to say is that you now have the option to practice with me in the comfort of your own home! My schedule has been fluctuating a bit from week to week, but mostly we’ve settled into a Tuesday – Saturday routine and I hope you’ll join us! Classes are in CST/CDT/Central US Time.

5-6:15 | Yin
5-6:15 | Yin + Restore
12-1:15 | Yin
*Check the weekly schedule update to confirm classes as I do sometimes take a day off for self-care.
As always, the classes are very mellow and intended to help you connect to yourself and to source. Individual classes are sliding scale, $10-$20 per person. I know many have been financially impacted by the pandemic, so please pay what you are able. Payments can be made via Venmo @RebeccaMoonDesigns, or PayPal.
The best way to be sure you have the current schedule, links to payment, and links to classes is to sign up for my NEWSLETTER, which is generally sent out the first of the week. If you are wanting to attend and do not currently have access to the links, please email me and I’ll be happy to send them. I also do my best to post updates on social media for those who are on FB or IG.

Yin | This is a fairly traditional Yin practice, which means we work mostly on the floor, with long-held (3 to 5min) postures. We focus on re-claiming and maintaining mobility in the joints, calming the mind, and connecting with the breath.
Yin + Restore | In this class, we work with some yin-ish postures that help us to stretch out and focus on the body. We also practice a couple of restorative postures in order to really slow down and allow the body and systems to rest and regenerate. For this class, it’s a good idea to have some wall space nearby as we frequently spend some time in legs up the wall pose.
Yoga Nidra | Yoga nidra is a specific style of guided meditation that we practice in savasana. There is no movement, so you’ll want to have whatever props help you to be most comfortable. Most people like to have a cushion or folded blanket under the head and a blanket to cover the body. Some people also like a cushion under the back of the knees, or something to elevate the legs a bit, as well as an eye pillow or something to go across the eyes. Remember, ideally there is no movement at all in this practice, so it is up to you to get yourself as comfortable as possible.
Also, I do have two yoga nidra CDs available, if you’d like to have access to a recording that you may practice at your convenience. Please email me to purchase, you may do a contactless pickup if you are in Austin, or I’m happy to ship them to you.
Yin + Guided Meditation | In these classes, we practice about 40-50 minutes of yin postures and the remainder of class is spent in savasana with guided meditation. This is somewhat similar to yoga nidra, in that we may practice breath awareness, body scanning, or visualization, though it is not a full yoga nidra experience.
All classes are suitable for any level of practitioner. If you would like one-on-one attention, I’m happy to schedule a private session(s) with you. If you’re new to the practice, that is a great way to be able to ask questions and feel more confident in group practices. Please email me if you’d like to book a private.
Recommended* props:
Bolster, blocks, yoga blanket, strap. All of these can be improvised with cushions, blankets or towels, a stack of books bound together for stability, and a belt or scarf. If you need one-on-one guidance for how to make household items work as props, you could look on YouTube for inspiration, and feel free to reach out if you have questions.
Honestly, if you’re planning to continue practicing at home, I do think you’re worth the investment of buying props to have on hand.
* It is important to note that some are comfortable practicing without any props, so please do not be dissuaded from starting a practice if you do not have these items.
My personal prop preferences.
There are lots of different props on the market and you can always make whatever props you have work, so please do not feel as though you must have these specifically. These are my personal recommendations, but you are welcome to use any props that suit you.
My favorite bolster is the Standard Bolster by Hugger Mugger. They hold up nicely, and more importantly they tend to be a better fit for most bodies. Some of the larger bolsters can be too thick for most of the postures we practice regularly, though they can be modified and maneuvered to be more comfortable. In my opinion, a bolster is the most beneficial prop that you can have.
I prefer a 4” block to the more narrow size, as they are more stable and tend to be more functional. I recommend having a pair of blocks, as many of the postures we practice do ask for 2.
Honestly, any blanket or towel can work for our purpose, but the woven blankets you find in most studios are just easier to work with. They tend to hold their shape better when folded and will require less improv as far as figuring out how to get your prop folded correctly.
As for a yoga strap, we use these pretty infrequently, but it’s a good idea to have something handy that you can use in your practice. A long scarf or belt could be used in place of a strap.
Most importantly, remember that you don’t have to have anything but your body to practice, so please do not let a lack of props keep you from your mat. In fact, for these types of practice, you don’t really even need a mat! Although, if you also attend classes where you do more standing asana, you will want to have a sticky mat to keep from slipping.